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Trip Interruption Protection

Protect Your Vacation Investment and consider adding coverage to your vacation by purchasing the Alaska Travel Adventure Trip Interruption Protection Plan for $8.00 per person, so you can turn your attention to other things like what to pack. The Alaska Travel Adventure Trip Interruption Protection Plan provides reimbursement for non-refundable tour payments if a trip is interrupted because:
  • You, your travel partner, or a family member cannot travel because of sickness, death, layoff, or a list of other acceptable reasons;
  • You miss the tour or have an emergency or a reason outside your control (such as a car accident, inclement weather, or a strike).
By purchasing the Alaska Travel Adventure Trip Interruption Protection Plan you will be able to cancel your tour for any applicable reason mentioned above up until four hours prior to your tour and receive a refund equal to the amount of payments made to Alaska Travel Adventures (less the cost of the Trip Interruption Protection Plan, which is non-refundable). [/fusion_text][fusion_accordion boxed_mode=”” border_size=”1″ border_color=”” background_color=”” hover_color=”” divider_line=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””][fusion_toggle title=”Complete details Trip Interruption Protection Plan” open=”no”]
Alaska Travel Adventures must be properly notified of the cancellation in order for the bene t(s) to apply. The Plan does not cover “no-show” situations. Please Note: This Trip Interruption Protection Plan does not cover penalties associated with air, cruise or other travel arrangements not provided by Alaska Travel Adventures. Benefits Benefits will be paid for the non-refundable, unused portion of the prepaid tour expenses when an Insured is prevented from completing his or her tour due to: a)  Sickness, Injury or death involving You or Your Traveling Companion or You or Your Family Member which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Legally Qualified Physician at the time of loss preventing the Insured’s continued participation in the Tour; b)  Unannounced Strike that causes complete cessation of services of the Insured’s Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours; c)  Weather that causes complete cessation of services of the Insured’s Common Carrier for at least 48 consecutive hours; d)  Employer termination or layoff affecting You. Employment must have been with the same employer for at least three (3) consecutive years; e)  Your Primary Residence or that of Traveling Companion is rendered uninhabitable by unforeseen circumstances; f)  Burglary of You or Your Traveling Companion’s primary residence within 10 days of departure of the Tour; g)  Felonious Assault of an Insured or a Traveling Companion within 10 days of departure or during the Tour; h)  Terrorism in a country which is part of the Trip, which causes the United States Department of State to issue a travel warning that an Insured should not travel within that country for a period of time that would include the Tour. j)  Hijack, quarantine, jury duty, or court ordered appearance as a witness in a legal action in which an Insured or Traveling Companion is not a party (except law enforcement officers); k)  The Insured or Traveling Companion is called to emergency military duty for a national disaster other than war. l)  Traffic accident, substantiated by a police report, directly involving either the Insured or Traveling Companion while en route to a scheduled point of departure; Disclosure Notice: This plan provides insurance coverage that only applies during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home, and automobile insurance policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer or insurance agent or broker. To Report A Cancel your trip and apply for a refund of prepaid expenses you can call us toll-free at 1-800-323-5757
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Terms & Conditions

BOOKING, PAYMENT, CANCELLATION AND CHANGE TERMS & CONDITIONS All rates are quoted per person, in U.S. Dollars and are subject to taxes and fees where applicable. Alaska Travel Adventures requires payment in full at time of booking; however you may cancel outside of 14 days and receive a full refund. Cancellations received within 14 days of departure are non-refundable. If you are on a cruise ship, the onboard Shore Excursion Office cannot assist with refunds/adjustments. For assistance with cancellations, please call Alaska Travel Adventures at 1-800-323-5757, or, for last minute cancellations, contact the local number on your tour voucher. GUEST RESPONSIBILITIES All guests will be required to follow safety policies and procedures and the guides’ instructions during activities. All guests must meet minimum age and or weight requirements at the time of travel. All guests will be required to sign a waiver of inherent risks on all water activities and jeep tours on the day of their trip. Due to the possibility of inclement weather, it is recommended that you wear warm, layered clothing, a waterproof jacket and comfortable slip-proof shoes. Alaska Travel Adventures provides raingear on applicable tours. WEATHER CONSIDERATIONS Alaska Travel Adventures reserves the right to cancel trips due to unsafe conditions in which case you may reschedule to an alternative date/time (subject to availability) or you will be refunded in full. Rain is not considered an unsafe condition – raingear is provided for many tours. In the event of trip cancellation, Alaska Travel Adventures is not responsible for additional expenses incurred by guest, such as penalties incurred through the purchase of non-refundable airline tickets, medical expenses and passport and visa fees. IMMIGRATION & CUSTOMS Should participants of the Custom Hummer Tour in Skagway choose to travel into the Yukon Territory, they must have a valid passport or Customs approved identification. All non U.S. citizens must carry a passport and appropriate visas. [/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
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